Config is a central contract for NUTS Platform configurations. Currently, it can be only updated by NUTS Platform admins. A more community-driven solution might come in the future release.
Config provides the following configurations:
Address of Wrapped ETH token
One Wrapped ETH token contract is deployed within NUTS Platform
All Instrument Escrows share the same Wrapped ETH token contract
Instrument Escrows convert ETH into Wrapped ETH token when user deposits ETH, and convert Wrapped ETH token into ETH when user withdraws ETH
The address of Wrapped ETH token is updateable, but it take effects in new instrument domains created after the update. Existing Instrument Managers keep a reference to the existing Wrapped ETH token contract and continue to use it.
Address of Escrow Factory
One Escrow Factory contract is deployed within NUTS Platform;
All Instrument Managers share the same Escrow Factory to create Instrument Escrow and Issuance Escrow
The address of Escrow Factory is updateable, but it take effects in new instrument domains created after the update. Existing Instrument Managers keep a reference to the existing Escrow Factory and continue to use it.
Address of NUTS token
NUTS token is deposited when an instrument is activated
The address of NUTS token is updateable but updating it is discouraged
Amount of NUTS token to deposit when a new instrument is activated
If set to 0, no deposit is required
Deposited NUTS token is burned when the instrument is deactivated
The deposit is updateable
The list of Instrument Manager Factories
Instrument Manager Factory is used to create new Instrument Managers
Multiple Instrument Manager Factories might coexists on NUTS Platform. Different Instrument Manager Factories are keyed by a byte32 version string.
Last updated
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